Claims Assistance Ltd is a limited liability company existing under Bulgarian law and registered with commercial registry under UIN 201316284.


The information on this website is provided for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide legal or any other professional advice for any purpose. Users of this website should not act or should refrain from acting on the basis of the information provided herein without seeking professional advice first.

Neither the use of the contact form, nor any of the e-mails or other electronic communication sent to Claims Assistance Ltd will constitute an agreement.

Although the published information is thoroughly checked for accuracy, we make no express or implied representations or warranties regarding it. You use the site at your own risk and in no event Claims Assistance Ltd will be liable for any damages arising out of your access to, use of or inability to access or use the website or any errors or omissions in its content. Claims Assistance Ltd does not accept any responsibility and expressly disclaims liability with respect to reliance on information published on this website and from actions taken or not taken on the basis of it.

The website may link you to other websites on the Internet maintained by third parties over whom we have no control. Please ensure that you read the legal terms and privacy policy of these other websites. Claims Assistance Ltd is not responsible for and accepts no liability for an y information, advice or opinion contained in any third-party website.

Intellectual property rights

The contents of this site are protected by copyright.  You may read, view, print, download and copy the materials on this website for your personal and non-commercial use, but only if (i) you acknowledge Claims Assistance Ltd as the source of the material; (ii) the text is not altered in any way, and (iii) you include the copyright statement “© Claims Assistance Ltd, all rights reserved”.

Privacy statement

Claims Assistance Ltd collect certain information form the users of the website who contact us through the contact form, emails or other communication channels, which might be subject to the GDPR and Bulgarian Personal Data Protection Act. The personal data thus collected is used only by Claims Assistance Ltd to process your queries or job applications, or to maintain client contact database.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for an explanation of your rights and responsibilities with respect to the information that is disclosed on this website.